First Post!

Hello! Thank you so much for visiting my page – this is something that I have wanted to set up for a long time, and I finally got my act together and figured it out. I’m hoping to use this as a way to share my art beyond a wider audience than my cats and the people at Starbucks, since that is where I take all of my projects to work on. I’ll have updates on the progress of what I’m working on at any given moment, musings on things like why I spend three months gluing paper dots to a board, and notifications of when and where pieces are displayed. It can be difficult to stay motivated when it takes so long to complete an art work, so I welcome and encourage and feedback you may have! Thank you so much for being along for the ride on this – it means the world to me. Stay tuned for more!

Coffee Shop

One thought on “First Post!

  1. I love your creativity and willingness to take on HUGE projects!! I only wish I could witness the process like I used to in college!! I can’t wait to see what you will create next!!

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